Source code for pymod.ams

import json
import logging
import logging.handlers
import requests
import socket
import sys
import datetime
import time

from .amsexceptions import (AmsServiceException, AmsConnectionException,
                            AmsMessageException, AmsException,
                            AmsTimeoutException, AmsBalancerException)
from .amsmsg import AmsMessage
from .amstopic import AmsTopic
from .amssubscription import AmsSubscription
from .amsuser import AmsUser, AmsUserPage, AmsUserProject

    from collections import OrderedDict
    from ordereddict import OrderedDict

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AmsHttpRequests(object): """Class encapsulates methods used by ArgoMessagingService. Each method represent HTTP request made to AMS with the help of requests library. service error handling is implemented according to HTTP status codes returned by service and the balancer. """
[docs] def __init__(self, endpoint, authn_port, token="", cert="", key=""): self.endpoint = endpoint self.authn_port = authn_port self.token = token # Create route list self.routes = { # topic api calls "topic_list": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/topics"], "topic_get": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/topics/{2}"], "topic_publish": ["post", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/topics/{2}:publish"], "topic_create": ["put", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/topics/{2}"], "topic_delete": ["delete", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/topics/{2}"], "topic_getacl": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/topics/{2}:acl"], "topic_modifyacl": ["post", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/topics/{2}:modifyAcl"], # subscription api calls "sub_create": ["put", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/subscriptions/{2}"], "sub_delete": ["delete", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/subscriptions/{2}"], "sub_list": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/subscriptions"], "sub_get": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/subscriptions/{2}"], "sub_pull": ["post", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/subscriptions/{2}:pull"], "sub_ack": ["post", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/subscriptions/{2}:acknowledge"], "sub_pushconfig": ["post", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/subscriptions/{2}:modifyPushConfig"], "sub_getacl": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/subscriptions/{2}:acl"], "sub_modifyacl": ["post", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/subscriptions/{2}:modifyAcl"], "sub_offsets": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/subscriptions/{2}:offsets"], "sub_mod_offset": ["post", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/subscriptions/{2}:modifyOffset"], "sub_timeToOffset": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/subscriptions/{2}:timeToOffset?time={3}"], # miscellaneous api calls about metrics,version,status "api_status": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/status"], "api_metrics": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/metrics"], "api_va_metrics": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/metrics/va_metrics"], "api_version": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/version"], "api_usage_report": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/users/usageReport"], # user api calls "user_create": ["post", "https://{0}/v1/users/{1}"], "user_update": ["put", "https://{0}/v1/users/{1}"], "user_get": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/users/{1}"], "user_get_by_token": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/users:byToken/{1}"], "user_get_by_uuid": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/users:byUUID/{1}"], "user_get_profile": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/users/profile"], "users_list": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/users"], "user_delete": ["delete", "https://{0}/v1/users/{1}"], "user_refresh_token": ["post", "https://{0}/v1/users/{1}:refreshToken"], # project api calls "project_add_member": ["post", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/members/{2}:add"], "project_get_member": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/members/{2}"], "project_create_member": ["post", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/members/{2}"], "project_remove_member": ["post", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}/members/{2}:remove"], "project_create": ["post", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}"], "project_update": ["put", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}"], "project_get": ["get", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}"], "project_delete": ["delete", "https://{0}/v1/projects/{1}"], "auth_x509": ["get", "https://{0}:{1}/v1/service-types/ams/hosts/{0}:authx509"], } # HTTP error status codes returned by AMS according to: # self.ams_errors_route = { "topic_create": ["put", set([409, 401, 403])], "topic_list": ["get", set([400, 401, 403, 404])], "topic_delete": ["delete", set([401, 403, 404])], "topic_get": ["get", set([404, 401, 403])], "topic_modifyacl": ["post", set([400, 401, 403, 404])], "topic_publish": ["post", set([413, 401, 403])], "sub_create": ["put", set([400, 409, 408, 401, 403])], "sub_get": ["get", set([404, 401, 403])], "sub_mod_offset": ["post", set([400, 401, 403, 404])], "sub_ack": ["post", set([408, 400, 401, 403, 404])], "sub_pushconfig": ["post", set([400, 401, 403, 404])], "sub_pull": ["post", set([400, 401, 403, 404])], "sub_timeToOffset": ["get", set([400, 401, 403, 404, 409])], "user_create": ["post", set([400, 401, 403, 404, 409])], "user_update": ["post", set([400, 401, 403, 404, 409])], "user_get": ["get", set([400, 401, 403, 404])], "user_get_by_token": ["get", set([400, 401, 403, 404])], "user_get_by_uuid": ["get", set([400, 401, 403, 404])], "user_get_profile": ["get", set([400, 401, 403, 404])], "users_list": ["get", set([401, 403])], "user_delete": ["delete", set([401, 403, 404])], "user_refresh_token": ["post", set([401, 403, 404])], "api_status": ["get", set([401, 403])], "api_metrics": ["get", set([401, 403])], "api_va_metrics": ["get", set([400, 401, 403, 404])], "api_version": ["get", set([401, 403])], "api_usage_report": ["get", set([400, 401, 403])], "project_add_member": ["post", set([400, 401, 403, 404, 409])], "project_get_member": ["get", set([400, 401, 403, 404])], "project_create_member": ["post", set([400, 401, 403, 404, 409])], "project_remove_member": ["get", set([401, 403, 404])], "project_create": ["post", set([400, 401, 403, 409])], "project_update": ["put", set([400, 401, 403, 404, 409])], "project_get": ["get", set([401, 403, 404])], "project_delete": ["delete", set([401, 403, 404])], "auth_x509": ["post", set([400, 401, 403, 404])]} # self.balancer_errors_route = {"sub_ack": ["post", set([500, 502, 503, 504])], "sub_pull": ["post", set([500, 502, 503, 504])], "topic_publish": ["post", set([500, 502, 503, 504])]} # determine the token to be used self.assign_token(token, cert, key)
[docs] def assign_token(self, token, cert, key): """Assign a token to the ams object Args: token(str): a valid ams token cert(str): a path to a valid certificate file key(str): a path to the associated key file for the provided certificate """ # check if a token has been provided if token != "": return try: # otherwise use the provided certificate to retrieve it self.token = self.auth_via_cert(cert, key) except AmsServiceException as e: # if the request send to authn didn't contain an x509 cert, that means that there was also no token provided # when initializing the ArgoMessagingService object, since we only try to authenticate through authn # when no token was provided if e.msg == 'While trying the [auth_x509]: No certificate provided.': refined_msg = "No certificate provided. No token provided." errormsg = self._error_dict(refined_msg, e.code) raise AmsServiceException(json=errormsg, request="auth_x509") raise e
[docs] def auth_via_cert(self, cert, key, **reqkwargs): """Retrieve an ams token based on the provided certificate Args: cert(str): a path to a valid certificate file key(str): a path to the associated key file for the provided certificate Kwargs: reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ if cert == "" and key == "": errord = self._error_dict("No certificate provided.", 400) raise AmsServiceException(json=errord, request="auth_x509") # create the certificate tuple needed by the requests library reqkwargs = {"cert": (cert, key)} route = self.routes["auth_x509"] # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.authn_port) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) try: r = method(url, "auth_x509", **reqkwargs) # if the `token` field was not found in the response, raise an error if "token" not in r: errord = self._error_dict("Token was not found in the response. Response: " + str(r), 500) raise AmsServiceException(json=errord, request="auth_x509") return r["token"] except (AmsServiceException, AmsConnectionException) as e: raise e
def _error_dict(self, response_content, status): error_dict = dict() try: if (response_content and sys.version_info < (3, 6,) and isinstance(response_content, bytes)): response_content = response_content.decode() error_dict = json.loads(response_content) if response_content else {} except ValueError: error_dict = {'error': {'code': status, 'message': response_content}} return error_dict def _gen_backoff_time(self, try_number, backoff_factor): for i in range(0, try_number): value = backoff_factor * (2 ** (i - 1)) yield value def _retry_make_request(self, url, body=None, route_name=None, retry=0, retrysleep=60, retrybackoff=None, **reqkwargs): """Wrapper around _make_request() that decides whether should request be retried or not. Two request retry modes are available: 1) static sleep - fixed amount of seconds to sleep between request attempts 2) backoff - each next sleep before request attempt is exponentially longer If enabled, request will be retried in the following occassions: * timeouts from AMS (HTTP 408) or load balancer (HTTP 408 and 504) * load balancer HTTP 502, 503 * connection related problems in the lower network layers Default behaviour is no retry attempts. If both, retry and retrybackoff are enabled, retrybackoff will take precedence. Args: url: str. The final messaging service endpoint body: dict. Payload of the request route_name: str. The name of the route to follow selected from the route list retry: int. Number of request retries before giving up. Default is 0 meaning no further request retry will be made after first unsuccesfull request. retrysleep: int. Static number of seconds to sleep before next request attempt retrybackoff: int. Backoff factor to apply between each request attempts reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ i = 1 timeout = reqkwargs.get('timeout', 0) saved_exp = None if retrybackoff: try: return self._make_request(url, body, route_name, **reqkwargs) except (AmsBalancerException, AmsConnectionException, AmsTimeoutException) as e: for sleep_secs in self._gen_backoff_time(retry, retrybackoff): try: return self._make_request(url, body, route_name, **reqkwargs) except (AmsBalancerException, AmsConnectionException, AmsTimeoutException) as e: saved_exp = e time.sleep(sleep_secs) if timeout: log.warning( 'Backoff retry #{0} after {1} seconds, connection timeout set to {2} seconds - {3}: {4}'.format( i, sleep_secs, timeout, self.endpoint, e)) else: log.warning( 'Backoff retry #{0} after {1} seconds - {2}: {3}'.format(i, sleep_secs, self.endpoint, e)) finally: i += 1 else: if saved_exp: raise saved_exp else: raise e else: while i <= retry + 1: try: return self._make_request(url, body, route_name, **reqkwargs) except (AmsBalancerException, AmsConnectionException, AmsTimeoutException) as e: if i == retry + 1: raise e else: time.sleep(retrysleep) if timeout: log.warning( 'Retry #{0} after {1} seconds, connection timeout set to {2} seconds - {3}: {4}'.format( i, retrysleep, timeout, self.endpoint, e)) else: log.warning( 'Retry #{0} after {1} seconds - {2}: {3}'.format(i, retrysleep, self.endpoint, e)) finally: i += 1 def _make_request(self, url, body=None, route_name=None, **reqkwargs): """Common method for PUT, GET, POST HTTP requests with appropriate service error handling by differing between AMS and load balancer erroneous behaviour. """ m = self.routes[route_name][0] decoded = None try: # the get request based on requests. # populate all requests with the x-api-key header # except the authn mapping call if route_name != "auth_x509": # if there is no defined headers dict in the reqkwargs, introduce it if "headers" not in reqkwargs: headers = { "x-api-key": self.token } reqkwargs["headers"] = headers else: # if the there are already other headers defined, just append the x-api-key one reqkwargs["headers"]["x-api-key"] = self.token reqmethod = getattr(requests, m) r = reqmethod(url, data=body, **reqkwargs) content = r.content status_code = r.status_code if (content and sys.version_info < (3, 6,) and isinstance(content, bytes)): content = content.decode() if status_code == 200: decoded = self._error_dict(content, status_code) # handle authnz related errors for all calls elif status_code == 401 or status_code == 403: raise AmsServiceException(json=self._error_dict(content, status_code), request=route_name) elif status_code == 408 or (status_code == 504 and route_name in self.balancer_errors_route): raise AmsTimeoutException(json=self._error_dict(content, status_code), request=route_name) # handle errors from AMS elif (status_code != 200 and status_code in self.ams_errors_route[route_name][1]): raise AmsServiceException(json=self._error_dict(content, status_code), request=route_name) # handle errors coming from load balancer elif (status_code != 200 and route_name in self.balancer_errors_route and status_code in self.balancer_errors_route[route_name][1]): raise AmsBalancerException(json=self._error_dict(content, status_code), request=route_name) # handle any other erroneous behaviour by raising exception else: raise AmsServiceException(json=self._error_dict(content, status_code), request=route_name) except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout, socket.error) as e: raise AmsConnectionException(e, route_name) else: return decoded if decoded else {}
[docs] def do_get(self, url, route_name, **reqkwargs): """Method supports all the GET requests. Used for (topics, subscriptions, users, messages). Args: url: str. The final messaging service endpoint route_name: str. The name of the route to follow selected from the route list reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ # try to send a GET request to the messaging service. # if a connection problem araises a Connection error exception is raised. try: return self._retry_make_request(url, body=None, route_name=route_name, **reqkwargs) except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def do_put(self, url, body, route_name, **reqkwargs): """Method supports all the PUT requests. Used for (topics, subscriptions, messages). Args: url: str. The final messaging service endpoint body: dict. Body the post data to send based on the PUT request. The post data is always in json format. route_name: str. The name of the route to follow selected from the route list reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ # try to send a PUT request to the messaging service. # if a connection problem arises a Connection error exception is raised. try: return self._retry_make_request(url, body=body, route_name=route_name, **reqkwargs) except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def do_post(self, url, body, route_name, retry=0, retrysleep=60, retrybackoff=None, **reqkwargs): """Method supports all the POST requests. Used for (topics, subscriptions, users, messages). Args: url: str. The final messaging service endpoint body: dict. Body the post data to send based on the PUT request. The post data is always in json format. route_name: str. The name of the route to follow selected from the route list reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ # try to send a Post request to the messaging service. # if a connection problem araises a Connection error exception is raised. try: return self._retry_make_request(url, body=body, route_name=route_name, retry=retry, retrysleep=retrysleep, retrybackoff=retrybackoff, **reqkwargs) except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def do_delete(self, url, route_name, retry=0, retrysleep=60, retrybackoff=None, **reqkwargs): """Delete method that is used to make the appropriate request. Used for (topics, subscriptions). Args: url: str. The final messaging service endpoint route_name: str. The name of the route to follow selected from the route list reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ # try to send a delete request to the messaging service. try: return self._retry_make_request(url, body=None, route_name=route_name, retry=retry, retrysleep=retrysleep, retrybackoff=retrybackoff, **reqkwargs) except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs]class ArgoMessagingService(AmsHttpRequests): """Class is entry point for client code. Class abstract Argo Messaging Service by covering all available HTTP API calls that are wrapped in series of methods. """
[docs] def __init__(self, endpoint, token="", project="", cert="", key="", authn_port=8443): super(ArgoMessagingService, self).__init__(endpoint, authn_port, token, cert, key) self.project = project self.pullopts = {"maxMessages": "1", "returnImmediately": "false"} # Containers for topic and subscription objects self.topics = OrderedDict() self.subs = OrderedDict()
def _create_sub_obj(self, s, topic): self.subs.update({s['name']: AmsSubscription(s['name'], topic, s['pushConfig'], s['ackDeadlineSeconds'], init=self)}) def _delete_sub_obj(self, s): del self.subs[s['name']] def _create_topic_obj(self, t): self.topics.update({t['name']: AmsTopic(t['name'], init=self)}) def _delete_topic_obj(self, t): del self.topics[t['name']]
[docs] def getacl_topic(self, topic, **reqkwargs): """Get access control lists for topic Args: topic (str): The topic name. Kwargs: reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ topicobj = self.get_topic(topic, retobj=True, **reqkwargs) route = self.routes["topic_getacl"] # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project, topic) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "topic_getacl", **reqkwargs) if r: self.topics[topicobj.fullname].acls = r['authorized_users'] return r else: self.topics[topicobj.fullname].acls = [] return []
[docs] def modifyacl_topic(self, topic, users, **reqkwargs): """Modify access control lists for topic Args: topic (str): The topic name. users (list): List of users that will have access to topic. Empty list of users will reset access control list. Kwargs: reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ topicobj = self.get_topic(topic, retobj=True, **reqkwargs) route = self.routes["topic_modifyacl"] # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project, topic) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = None try: msg_body = json.dumps({"authorized_users": users}) r = method(url, msg_body, "topic_modifyacl", **reqkwargs) if r is not None: self.topics[topicobj.fullname].acls = users return True except (AmsServiceException, AmsConnectionException) as e: raise e
[docs] def getacl_sub(self, sub, **reqkwargs): """Get access control lists for subscription Args: sub (str): The subscription name. Kwargs: reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ subobj = self.get_sub(sub, retobj=True, **reqkwargs) route = self.routes["sub_getacl"] # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project, sub) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "sub_getacl", **reqkwargs) if r: self.subs[subobj.fullname].acls = r['authorized_users'] return r else: self.subs[subobj.fullname].acls = [] return []
[docs] def getoffsets_sub(self, sub, offset='all', **reqkwargs): """Retrieve the current positions of min,max and current offsets. Args: sub (str): The subscription name. offset(str): The name of the offset.If not specified, it will return all three of them as a dict. Kwargs: reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ route = self.routes["sub_offsets"] # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project, sub) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "sub_offsets", **reqkwargs) try: if offset != 'all': return r[offset] return r except KeyError as e: errormsg = {'error': {'message': str(e) + " is not valid offset position"}} raise AmsServiceException(json=errormsg, request="sub_offsets")
[docs] def time_to_offset_sub(self, sub, timestamp, **reqkwargs): """Retrieve the closest(greater than) available offset to the given timestamp. Args: sub (str): The subscription name. timestamp(datetime.datetime): The timestamp of the offset we are looking for. Kwargs: reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ route = self.routes["sub_timeToOffset"] method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) time_in_string = "" if isinstance(timestamp, datetime.datetime): if timestamp.microsecond != 0: time_in_string = timestamp.isoformat()[:-3] + "Z" else: time_in_string = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000Z") # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project, sub, time_in_string) try: r = method(url, "sub_timeToOffset", **reqkwargs) return r["offset"] except AmsServiceException as e: raise e
[docs] def modifyoffset_sub(self, sub, move_to, **reqkwargs): """Modify the position of the current offset. Args: sub (str): The subscription name. move_to(int): Position to move the offset. Kwargs: reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ route = self.routes["sub_mod_offset"] method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) if not isinstance(move_to, int): move_to = int(move_to) # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project, sub) # Request body data = {"offset": move_to} try: r = method(url, json.dumps(data), "sub_mod_offset", **reqkwargs) return r except AmsServiceException as e: raise e
[docs] def modifyacl_sub(self, sub, users, **reqkwargs): """Modify access control lists for subscription Args: sub (str): The subscription name. users (list): List of users that will have access to subscription. Empty list of users will reset access control list. Kwargs: reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ subobj = self.get_sub(sub, retobj=True, **reqkwargs) route = self.routes["sub_modifyacl"] # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project, sub) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = None try: msg_body = json.dumps({"authorized_users": users}) r = method(url, msg_body, "sub_modifyacl", **reqkwargs) if r is not None: self.subs[subobj.fullname].acls = users return True except (AmsServiceException, AmsConnectionException) as e: raise e
[docs] def pushconfig_sub(self, sub, push_endpoint=None, retry_policy_type='linear', retry_policy_period=300, **reqkwargs): """Modify push configuration of given subscription Args: sub: shortname of subscription push_endpoint: URL of remote endpoint that should receive messages in push subscription mode retry_policy_type: retry_policy_period: reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ if push_endpoint: push_dict = {"pushConfig": {"pushEndpoint": push_endpoint, "retryPolicy": {"type": retry_policy_type, "period": retry_policy_period}}} else: push_dict = {"pushConfig": {}} msg_body = json.dumps(push_dict) route = self.routes["sub_pushconfig"] # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project, sub) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) p = method(url, msg_body, "sub_pushconfig", **reqkwargs) subobj = self.subs.get('/projects/{0}/subscriptions/{1}'.format(self.project, sub), False) if subobj: subobj.push_endpoint = push_endpoint subobj.retry_policy_type = retry_policy_type subobj.retry_policy_period = retry_policy_period return p
[docs] def iter_subs(self, topic=None, **reqkwargs): """Iterate over AmsSubscription objects Args: topic: Iterate over subscriptions only associated to this topic name """ self.list_subs(**reqkwargs) try: values = self.subs.copy().itervalues() except AttributeError: values = self.subs.copy().values() for s in values: if topic and topic == yield s elif not topic: yield s
[docs] def iter_topics(self, **reqkwargs): """Iterate over AmsTopic objects""" self.list_topics(**reqkwargs) try: values = self.topics.copy().itervalues() except AttributeError: values = self.topics.copy().values() for t in values: yield t
[docs] def list_topics(self, **reqkwargs): """List the topics of a selected project Args: reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call """ route = self.routes["topic_list"] # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "topic_list", **reqkwargs) for t in r['topics']: if t['name'] not in self.topics: self._create_topic_obj(t) if r: return r else: return []
[docs] def has_topic(self, topic, **reqkwargs): """Inspect if topic already exists or not Args: topic: str. Topic name """ try: self.get_topic(topic, **reqkwargs) return True except AmsServiceException as e: if e.code == 404: return False else: raise e except AmsConnectionException as e: raise e
[docs] def get_topic(self, topic, retobj=False, **reqkwargs): """Get the details of a selected topic. Args: topic: str. Topic name. retobj: Controls whether method should return AmsTopic object reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ route = self.routes["topic_get"] # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project, topic) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "topic_get", **reqkwargs) if r['name'] not in self.topics: self._create_topic_obj(r) if retobj: return self.topics[r['name']] else: return r
[docs] def publish(self, topic, msg, retry=0, retrysleep=60, retrybackoff=None, **reqkwargs): """Publish a message or list of messages to a selected topic. If enabled (retry > 0), multiple topic publishes will be tried in case of problems/glitches with the AMS service. retry* options are eventually passed to _retry_make_request() Args: topic (str): Topic name. msg (list): A list with one or more messages to send. Each message is represented as AmsMessage object or python dictionary with at least data or one attribute key defined. Kwargs: retry: int. Number of request retries before giving up. Default is 0 meaning no further request retry will be made after first unsuccesfull request. retrysleep: int. Static number of seconds to sleep before next request attempt retrybackoff: int. Backoff factor to apply between each request attempts reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. Return: dict: Dictionary with messageIds of published messages """ if not isinstance(msg, list): msg = [msg] if all(isinstance(m, AmsMessage) for m in msg): msg = [m.dict() for m in msg] try: msg_body = json.dumps({"messages": msg}) except TypeError as e: raise AmsMessageException(e) route = self.routes["topic_publish"] # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project, topic) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) return method(url, msg_body, "topic_publish", retry=retry, retrysleep=retrysleep, retrybackoff=retrybackoff, **reqkwargs)
[docs] def list_subs(self, **reqkwargs): """Lists all subscriptions in a project with a GET request. Args: reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ route = self.routes["sub_list"] # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "sub_list", **reqkwargs) for s in r['subscriptions']: if s['topic'] not in self.topics: self._create_topic_obj({'name': s['topic']}) if s['name'] not in self.subs: self._create_sub_obj(s, self.topics[s['topic']].fullname) if r: return r else: return []
[docs] def get_sub(self, sub, retobj=False, **reqkwargs): """Get the details of a subscription. Args: sub: str. The subscription name. retobj: Controls whether method should return AmsSubscription object reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ route = self.routes["sub_get"] # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project, sub) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "sub_get", **reqkwargs) if r['topic'] not in self.topics: self._create_topic_obj({'name': r['topic']}) if r['name'] not in self.subs: self._create_sub_obj(r, self.topics[r['topic']].fullname) if retobj: return self.subs[r['name']] else: return r
[docs] def has_sub(self, sub, **reqkwargs): """Inspect if subscription already exists or not Args: sub: str. The subscription name. """ try: self.get_sub(sub, **reqkwargs) return True except AmsServiceException as e: if e.code == 404: return False else: raise e except AmsConnectionException as e: raise e
[docs] def pull_sub(self, sub, num=1, return_immediately=False, retry=0, retrysleep=60, retrybackoff=None, **reqkwargs): """This function consumes messages from a subscription in a project with a POST request. If enabled (retry > 0), multiple subscription pulls will be tried in case of problems/glitches with the AMS service. retry* options are eventually passed to _retry_make_request() Args: sub: str. The subscription name. num: int. The number of messages to pull. reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ wasmax = self.get_pullopt('maxMessages') wasretim = self.get_pullopt('returnImmediately') self.set_pullopt('maxMessages', num) self.set_pullopt('returnImmediately', str(return_immediately).lower()) msg_body = json.dumps(self.pullopts) route = self.routes["sub_pull"] # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project, sub) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, msg_body, "sub_pull", retry=retry, retrysleep=retrysleep, retrybackoff=retrybackoff, **reqkwargs) msgs = r['receivedMessages'] self.set_pullopt('maxMessages', wasmax) self.set_pullopt('returnImmediately', wasretim) return list(map(lambda m: (m['ackId'], AmsMessage(b64enc=False, **m['message'])), msgs))
[docs] def ack_sub(self, sub, ids, **reqkwargs): """Acknownledgment of received messages Messages retrieved from a pull subscription can be acknowledged by sending message with an array of ackIDs. The service will retrieve the ackID corresponding to the highest message offset and will consider that message and all previous messages as acknowledged by the consumer. Args: sub: str. The subscription name. ids: list(str). A list of ids of the messages to acknowledge. reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ msg_body = json.dumps({"ackIds": ids}) route = self.routes["sub_ack"] # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project, sub) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) method(url, msg_body, "sub_ack", **reqkwargs) return True
[docs] def pullack_sub(self, sub, num=1, return_immediately=False, retry=0, retrysleep=60, retrybackoff=None, **reqkwargs): """Pull messages from subscription and acknownledge them in one call. If enabled (retry > 0), multiple subscription pulls will be tried in case of problems/glitches with the AMS service. retry* options are eventually passed to _retry_make_request(). If succesfull subscription pull immediately follows with failed acknownledgment (e.g. network hiccup just before acknowledgement of received messages), consume cycle will reset and start from beginning with new subscription pull. This ensures that ack deadline time window is moved to new start period, that is the time when the second pull was initiated. Args: sub: str. The subscription name. num: int. The number of messages to pull. reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ while True: try: ackIds = list() messages = list() for id, msg in self.pull_sub(sub, num, return_immediately=return_immediately, retry=retry, retrysleep=retrysleep, retrybackoff=retrybackoff, **reqkwargs): ackIds.append(id) messages.append(msg) except AmsException as e: raise e if messages and ackIds: try: self.ack_sub(sub, ackIds, **reqkwargs) break except AmsException as e: log.warning('Continuing with sub_pull after sub_ack: {0}'.format(e)) pass else: break return messages
[docs] def set_pullopt(self, key, value): """Function for setting pull options Args: key: str. The name of the pull option (ex. maxMessages, returnImmediately). Messaging specific names are allowed. value: str or int. The name of the pull option (ex. maxMessages, returnImmediately). Messaging specific names are allowed. """ self.pullopts.update({key: str(value)})
[docs] def get_pullopt(self, key): """Function for getting pull options Args: key: str. The name of the pull option (ex. maxMessages, returnImmediately). Messaging specific names are allowed. Returns: str. The value of the pull option """ return self.pullopts[key]
[docs] def create_user(self, user, **reqkwargs): """ This function creates a new user with a POST request Args: user: AmsUser. The user to be created. reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. Return: object (AmsUser) """ if not isinstance(user, AmsUser): raise ValueError("user has to be of type AmsUser") try: route = self.routes["user_create"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, user.to_json(), "user_create", **reqkwargs) return AmsUser().load_from_dict(r) except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def update_user(self, name, first_name="", last_name="", description="", organization="", username="", email="", service_roles=None, projects=None, **reqkwargs): """ Update the respective user using the provided username with a PUT request :param last_name: (str) the last name of the user :param first_name: (str) the first name of the user :param description: (str) user description :param organization: (str) user organisation :param username: (str) new username :param email: (str) the email the user :param service_roles: (str[]) new service roles :param projects: (AmsUserProject[]) new projects and roles :param name: (str) the username of the user to be updated :param reqkwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. :return: (AmsUser) the ams user """ body = {} if first_name != "": body["first_name"] = first_name if last_name != "": body["last_name"] = last_name if description != "": body["description"] = description if organization != "": body["organization"] = organization if username != "": body["name"] = username if email != "": body["email"] = email if len(service_roles) > 0: body["service_roles"] = service_roles if len(projects) > 0: body["projects"] = [{"project": x.project, "roles": x.roles} for x in projects] try: route = self.routes["user_update"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, name) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, json.dumps(body), "user_update", **reqkwargs) return AmsUser().load_from_dict(r) except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def get_user(self, name, **reqkwargs): """ Retrieves the respective user using the provided username with a GET request :param name: (str) the username of the user to be retrieved :param reqkwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. :return: (AmsUser) the ams user """ try: route = self.routes["user_get"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, name) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "user_get", **reqkwargs) return AmsUser().load_from_dict(r) except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def get_user_by_token(self, token, **reqkwargs): """ Retrieves the respective user using the provided token with a GET request :param token: (str) the token of the user to be retrieved :param reqkwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. :return: (AmsUser) the ams user """ try: route = self.routes["user_get_by_token"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, token) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "user_get_by_token", **reqkwargs) return AmsUser().load_from_dict(r) except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def get_user_by_uuid(self, uuid, **reqkwargs): """ Retrieves the respective user using the provided uuid with a GET request :param uuid: (str) the uuid of the user to be retrieved :param reqkwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. :return: (AmsUser) the ams user """ try: route = self.routes["user_get_by_uuid"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, uuid) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "user_get_by_uuid", **reqkwargs) return AmsUser().load_from_dict(r) except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def get_user_profile(self, **reqkwargs): """ Retrieves the respective user using the provided token in the ams object with a GET request :param reqkwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. :return: (AmsUser) the ams user """ try: route = self.routes["user_get_profile"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "user_get_profile", **reqkwargs) return AmsUser().load_from_dict(r) except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def list_users(self, details=True, page_size=0, next_page_token="", **reqkwargs): """ Retrieves the respective user using the provided token in the ams object with a GET request :param next_page_token: (str) next page token in case of paginated retrieval :param page_size: (int) size of each page :param details: (bool) whether to include project details per user :param reqkwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. :return: (AmsUserPage) a page containing AmsUser objects and pagination details """ try: url_params = { "details": details, "pageSize": page_size, "nextPageToken": next_page_token } route = self.routes["users_list"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) reqkwargs["params"] = url_params r = method(url, "users_list", **reqkwargs) return AmsUserPage( users=[AmsUser().load_from_dict(x) for x in r["users"]], total_size=r["totalSize"], next_page_token=r["nextPageToken"] ) except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def delete_user(self, name, **reqkwargs): """ Deletes the respective user using the provided username with a DELETE request :param name: (str) the username of the user to be retrieved :param reqkwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ try: route = self.routes["user_delete"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, name) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "user_delete", **reqkwargs) except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def refresh_user_token(self, name, **reqkwargs): """ Refresh the token for the respective user using the provided username with a POST request :param name: (str) the username of the user to be retrieved :param reqkwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. :return: (AmsUser) the ams user """ try: route = self.routes["user_refresh_token"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, name) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, None, "user_refresh_token", **reqkwargs) return AmsUser().load_from_dict(r) except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def add_project_member(self, username, project=None, roles=None, **reqkwargs): """ Assigns an existing user to the provided project with a POST request :param (str) project: the name of the project.If no project is supplied, the declared global project will be used instead :param (str) username: the name of user :param (str[]) roles: project roles for the user :param reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. :return: (AmsUser) the assigned user object """ if roles is None or not isinstance(roles, list): roles = [] if project is None: project = self.project body = { "roles": roles } try: route = self.routes["project_add_member"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, project, username) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, json.dumps(body), "project_add_member", **reqkwargs) return AmsUser().load_from_dict(r) except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def create_project_member(self, username, project=None, roles=None, email=None, **reqkwargs): """ This function creates a new user with a POST request under the given project :param (str) project: the name of the project.If no project is supplied, the declared global project will be used instead :param (str) username: the name of the user :param (str) email: the email of the user :param (str[]) roles: project roles for the user :return: (AmsUser) the assigned user object """ if roles is None or not isinstance(roles, list): roles = [] if project is None: project = self.project user = AmsUser( projects=[AmsUserProject(project=project, roles=roles)] ) if email is not None: = email try: route = self.routes["project_create_member"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, project, username) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, user.to_json(), "project_create_member", **reqkwargs) return AmsUser().load_from_dict(r) except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def get_project_member(self, username, project=None, **reqkwargs): """ Retrieves the respective project member using the provided username with a GET request :param username: (str) the username of the user to be retrieved :param project: (str) the name of the project the user belongs to.If no project is supplied, the declared global project will be used instead :param reqkwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. :return: (AmsUser) the ams user """ try: if project is None: project = self.project route = self.routes["project_get_member"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, project, username) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "project_get_member", **reqkwargs) return AmsUser().load_from_dict(r) except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def remove_project_member(self, username, project, **reqkwargs): """ Removes an existing user from the provided project with a POST request :param username: (str) the name of user :param project: (Str) the name of the project :param reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ try: route = self.routes["project_remove_member"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, project, username) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, None, "project_remove_member", **reqkwargs) return r except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def create_project(self, name, description, **reqkwargs): """ Create a new project using the provided name and description with a POST request :param name: (str) the name of the project :param description: (str) the description of the project :param reqkwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ body = { "description": description } try: route = self.routes["project_create"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, name) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, json.dumps(body), "project_create", **reqkwargs) return r except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def update_project(self, name, description="", updated_name="", **reqkwargs): """ Create a new project using the provided name and description with a POST request :param name: (str) the name of the project :param description: (str) the description of the project :param updated_name: (str) updated name :param reqkwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ body = {} if description != "": body["description"] = description if updated_name != "": body["name"] = updated_name try: route = self.routes["project_update"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, name) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, json.dumps(body), "project_update", **reqkwargs) return r except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def get_project(self, name, **reqkwargs): """ Retrieve a project using the provided name with a GET request :param name: (str) the name of the project :param reqkwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ try: route = self.routes["project_get"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, name) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "project_get", **reqkwargs) return r except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def delete_project(self, name, **reqkwargs): """ Delete a project using the provided name with a DELETE request :param name: (str) the name of the project :param reqkwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ try: route = self.routes["project_delete"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, name) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "project_delete", **reqkwargs) return r except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def create_sub(self, sub, topic, ackdeadline=10, push_endpoint=None, retry_policy_type='linear', retry_policy_period=300, retobj=False, **reqkwargs): """This function creates a new subscription in a project with a PUT request Args: sub: str. The subscription name. topic: str. The topic name. ackdeadline: int. It is a custom "ack" deadline (in seconds) in the subscription. If your code doesn't acknowledge the message in this time, the message is sent again. If you don't specify the deadline, the default is 10 seconds. push_endpoint: URL of remote endpoint that should receive messages in push subscription mode retry_policy_type: retry_policy_period: retobj: Controls whether method should return AmsSubscription object reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ topic = self.get_topic(topic, retobj=True, **reqkwargs) msg_body = json.dumps({"topic": topic.fullname.strip('/'), "ackDeadlineSeconds": ackdeadline}) route = self.routes["sub_create"] # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project, sub) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, msg_body, "sub_create", **reqkwargs) if push_endpoint: ret = self.pushconfig_sub(sub, push_endpoint, retry_policy_type, retry_policy_period, **reqkwargs) r['pushConfig'] = {"pushEndpoint": push_endpoint, "retryPolicy": {"type": retry_policy_type, "period": retry_policy_period}} if r['name'] not in self.subs: self._create_sub_obj(r, topic.fullname) if retobj: return self.subs[r['name']] else: return r
[docs] def delete_sub(self, sub, **reqkwargs): """This function deletes a selected subscription in a project Args: sub: str. The subscription name. reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ route = self.routes["sub_delete"] # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project, sub) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "sub_delete", **reqkwargs) sub_fullname = "/projects/{0}/subscriptions/{1}".format(self.project, sub) if sub_fullname in self.subs: self._delete_sub_obj({'name': sub_fullname}) return r
[docs] def topic(self, topic, **reqkwargs): """Function create a topic in a project. It's wrapper around few methods defined in client class. Method will ensure that AmsTopic object is returned either by fetching existing one or creating a new one in case it doesn't exist. Args: topic (str): The topic name Kwargs: reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. Return: object (AmsTopic) """ try: if self.has_topic(topic, **reqkwargs): return self.get_topic(topic, retobj=True, **reqkwargs) else: return self.create_topic(topic, retobj=True, **reqkwargs) except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def create_topic(self, topic, retobj=False, **reqkwargs): """This function creates a topic in a project Args: topic: str. The topic name. retobj: Controls whether method should return AmsTopic object reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ route = self.routes["topic_create"] # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project, topic) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, '', "topic_create", **reqkwargs) if r['name'] not in self.topics: self._create_topic_obj(r) if retobj: return self.topics[r['name']] else: return r
[docs] def delete_topic(self, topic, **reqkwargs): """This function deletes a topic in a project Args: topic: str. The topic name. reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ route = self.routes["topic_delete"] # Compose url url = route[1].format(self.endpoint, self.project, topic) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "topic_delete", **reqkwargs) topic_fullname = "/projects/{0}/topics/{1}".format(self.project, topic) if topic_fullname in self.topics: self._delete_topic_obj({'name': topic_fullname}) return r
[docs] def status(self, **reqkwargs): """ Retrieves the status of the service :param reqkwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ try: route = self.routes["api_status"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "api_status", **reqkwargs) return r except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def metrics(self, **reqkwargs): """ Retrieves the operational metrics of the service :param reqkwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ try: route = self.routes["api_metrics"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "api_metrics", **reqkwargs) return r except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def version(self, **reqkwargs): """ Retrieves the version information about the service :param reqkwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ try: route = self.routes["api_version"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) r = method(url, "api_version", **reqkwargs) return r except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def va_metrics(self, projects=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, **reqkwargs): """ Retrieves va report metrics for the given projects and the given time period :param projects: (str[]) filter based on the given projects :param start_date: (datetime.datetime time period starting date :param end_date: (datetime.datetime) time period end date :param reqkwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ url_params = {} if projects is None or not isinstance(projects, list): projects = [] if start_date is not None and isinstance(start_date, datetime.datetime): url_params["start_date"] = start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if end_date is not None and isinstance(end_date, datetime.datetime): url_params["end_date"] = end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if len(projects) > 0: url_params["projects"] = ",".join(projects) try: route = self.routes["api_va_metrics"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) reqkwargs["params"] = url_params r = method(url, "api_va_metrics", **reqkwargs) return r except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def usage_report(self, projects=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, **reqkwargs): """ Retrieves va report metrics for the given projects and the given time period alongside the service's operational metrics. The api call will retrieve all projects that the requesting user is a project admin for. :param projects: (str[]) filter based on the given projects :param start_date: (datetime.datetime time period starting date :param end_date: (datetime.datetime) time period end date :param reqkwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ url_params = {} if projects is None or not isinstance(projects, list): projects = [] if start_date is not None and isinstance(start_date, datetime.datetime): url_params["start_date"] = start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if end_date is not None and isinstance(end_date, datetime.datetime): url_params["end_date"] = end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if len(projects) > 0: url_params["projects"] = ",".join(projects) try: route = self.routes["api_usage_report"] url = route[1].format(self.endpoint) method = getattr(self, 'do_{0}'.format(route[0])) reqkwargs["params"] = url_params r = method(url, "api_usage_report", **reqkwargs) return r except AmsException as e: raise e