Source code for pymod.amstopic

from .amsexceptions import AmsException

[docs]class AmsTopic(object): """Abstraction of AMS Topic Topic represents named bucket on AMS service that can hold messages. Supported methods are wrappers around the methods defined in client class with preconfigured topic name. """ def _build_name(self, fullname): return fullname.split('/projects/{0}/topics/'.format(self.init.project))[1]
[docs] def __init__(self, fullname, init): self.acls = None self.init = init self.fullname = fullname = self._build_name(self.fullname)
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete topic Return: True: successfull topic deletion """ return self.init.delete_topic(
[docs] def subscription(self, sub, ackdeadline=10, **reqkwargs): """Create a subscription for the topic. It's wrapper around few methods defined in client class. Method will ensure that AmsSubscription object is returned either by fetching existing one or creating a new one in case it doesn't exist. Args: sub (str): Name of the subscription Kwargs: ackdeadline (int): Time window in which the AMS service expects acknowledgement received for pulled messages reqkwargs: Keyword arguments that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. Return: object (AmsSubscription) """ try: if self.init.has_sub(sub, **reqkwargs): return self.init.get_sub(sub, retobj=True, **reqkwargs) else: return self.init.create_sub(sub,, ackdeadline=ackdeadline, retobj=True, **reqkwargs) except AmsException as e: raise e
[docs] def acl(self, users=None, **reqkwargs): """Set or get ACLs assigned to topic Kwargs: users (list): If list of users is specified, give those user access to topic. Empty list will reset access permission. reqkwargs: keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. """ if users is None: return self.init.getacl_topic(, **reqkwargs) else: return self.init.modifyacl_topic(, users, **reqkwargs)
[docs] def iter_subs(self): """Generator method that can be used to iterate over subscriptions associated with the topic """ for s in self.init.iter_subs( yield s
[docs] def publish(self, msg, retry=0, retrysleep=60, retrybackoff=None, **reqkwargs): """Publish message to topic Args: msg (list, dict): One or list of dictionaries representing AMS Message Kwargs: retry: int. Number of request retries before giving up. Default is 0 meaning no further request retry will be made after first unsuccesfull request. retrysleep: int. Static number of seconds to sleep before next request attempt retrybackoff: int. Backoff factor to apply between each request attempts reqkwargs: Keyword argument that will be passed to underlying python-requests library call. Returns: dict: Dictionary with messageIds of published messages """ return self.init.publish(, msg, retry=retry, retrysleep=retrysleep, retrybackoff=retrybackoff, **reqkwargs)