
In case of Error during handling user’s request the API responds using the following schema:

   "error": {
      "code": 500,
      "message": "Something bad happened",
      "status": "INTERNAL"

Error Codes

The following error codes are the possinble errors of all methods

Error Code Status Related Requests
Ack Timeout 408 TIMEOUT Acknowledge Message (POST) - more info
Topic already exists 409 ALREADY_EXISTS Create Topic (PUT)
Subscription already exists 409 ALREADY_EXISTS Create Subscription (PUT)
Invalid Topics Name 400 INVALID_ARGUMENT Create Subscription (PUT)
Topic Doesn't Exist 404 NOT_FOUND Show specific Topic (GET)
Invalid Topic ACL arguments 400 INVALID_ARGUMENT Modify Topic ACL (POST)
Subscription Doesn't Exist 404 NOT_FOUND Show specific Subscription (GET)
Message size to large 413 INVALID_ARGUMENT Topic Publish (POST)
Invalid Subscription Arguments 400 INVALID_ARGUMENT Create Subscription (POST), Modify Push Configuration (POST)
Invalid Subscription ACL arguments 400 INVALID_ARGUMENT Modify Subscription ACL (POST)
Invalid ACK Parameter 400 INVALID_ARGUMENT Subscription Acknowledge (POST)
Invalid ACK id 400 INVALID_ARGUMENT Subscription Acknowledge (POST)
Invalid pull parameters 400 INVALID_ARGUMENT Subscription Pull (POST)
Unauthorized 401 UNAUTHORIZED All requests (if a user is not authenticated)
Forbidden Access to Resource 403 FORBIDDEN All requests (if a user is forbidden to access the resource)