Security and privacy considerations

Authentication is the process of determining the identity of a client, which is typically a user account. Authorization is the process of determining what permissions an authenticated identity has on a set of specified resources. In the Messaging API, there can be no authorization without authentication.

This is an initial implementation of the user authentication and authorization. In the next versions of the ARGO Messaging service we are going to provide support for both bear and OpenID Connect tokens for the API access and it will be possible to apply ACLs at each (resource) subscriptions and topics.

User Authentication

Authentication requires the presence of a populated “users” collection in the datastore in the adhering to the following schema:

    "name" : "john",
    "email" : "",
    "project" : "ARGO",
    "token" : "S3CR3T",
    "roles" : [
Parameter Description
name username
email User’s email
project Project that the user belongs to
token Secret token for authentication
roles List of roles that user has. Each role definition is used in authorization (explained later)

Each user is authenticated by adding the url parameter ?key=T0K3N in each API request


Authorization requires the presence of a populated “roles” collection in the datastore in the adhering to the following schema:

    "resource" : "resource_name:action",
    "roles" : [
Parameter Description
resource Holds the name of the resource and the action on that resource in the following format: resource_name:action
roles A list of roles allowed on this resource:action

Resource_name:action must be the same with the default routes supported in the api currently and those are:

Action Description
topics:list Allow user to list all topics in a project when using GET /projects/PROJECT_A/topics
topics:show Allow user to get information on a specific topic when using GET /projects/PROJECT_A/topics/TOPIC_A
topics:create Allow user to create a new topic when using PUT /projects/PROJECT_A/topics/TOPIC_NEW
topics:delete Allow user to delete an existing topic when using DELETE /projects/PROJECT_A/topics/TOPIC_A
topics:publish Allow user to publish messages in a topic when using POST /projects/PROJECT_A/topics/TOPIC_A:publish
subscriptions:list Allow user to list all subscriptions in a project when using GET /projects/PROJECT_A/subscriptions
subscriptions:show Allow user to get information on a specific subscription when using GET /projects/PROJECT_A/subscriptions/SUB_A
subscriptions:create Allow user to create a new subscription when using PUT /projects/PROJECT_A/subscriptions/SUB_NEW
subscriptions:delete Allow user to delete an existing subscription when using DELETE /projects/PROJECT_A/subscriptions/SUB_A
subscriptions:pull Allow user to pull messages from a subscription when using POST /projects/PROJECT_A/subscriptions/SUB_A:pull
subscriptions:acknowledge Allow user to acknowledge messages that has pulled when using POST /projects/PROJECT_A/subscriptions/SUB_A:acknowledge

Per Resource Authorization

Messaging API provides the option to control in finer detail access on resources such as topics and subscriptions for users(clients) that are producers or subscribers. Each resource (topic/subscription) comes with an access list (ACL) that contains producers or subscribers that are eligible to use that resource (when publishing or pulling messages respectively). Users with the admin role are able to modify Access lists for topics and subscriptions on the project they belong. In order for the feature to be available Messaging API should have the config parameter per_resource_auth set to true

[GET] List ACL of a given topic

Please refer to section Topics:List ACL of a given topic .

[POST] Modify ACL of a given topic

Please refer to section Topics:Modify ACL of a given topic .

[GET] List ACL of a given subscription

The following request returns a list of authorized users for a given subscription


GET /v1/projects/{project_name}/subscriptions/{sub_name}:acl


  • Project_name: Name of the project
  • sub_name: name of the subscription

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"  
-d $POSTDATA "https://{URL}/v1/projects/EGI/subscriptions/monitoring:acl?key=S3CR3T"


Success Response 200 OK

 "authorized_users": [


Please refer to section Errors to see all possible Errors

[POST] Modify ACL of a given subscription

The following request Modifies the authorized users list of a given subscription


POST /v1/projects/{project_name}/subscriptions/{sub_name}:modifyAcl


  • Project_name: Name of the project
  • sub_name: name of the subpscription

Post data

"authorized_users": [

Example request

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"  "https://{URL}/v1/projects/EGI/subscriptions/monitoring:modifyAcl?key=S3CR3T"


Success Response 200 OK


If the to-be updated ACL contains users that are non-existent in the project the API returns the following error: 404 NOT_FOUND

   "error": {
      "code": 404,
      "message": "User(s): UserFoo1,UserFoo2 do not exist",
      "status": "NOT_FOUND"

Please refer to section Errors to see all possible Errors