Tenant POEM guide
Adding groups of resources
Only tenant POEM admins have necessary permissions to add groups of resources.
Step 1: Go to administration page.
Step 2: In Authentication and authorization section pick the group of resources you wish to add. Available are:
- groups of aggregations,
- groups of metrics,
- groups of metric profiles,
- groups of thresholds profiles.
Step 3: Click the Add button.
Step 4: Name the group and optionally add resources to it. Details are described in groups of resources documentation.
Importing metrics
Tenant POEM users cannot add metrics by themselves, they can only import one of the metric templates. If they want to add a metric that does not exist among metric templates, they should inform SuperAdmin POEM admins, so that they can add it to metric templates.
Importing metrics is described in detail in metric templates documentation.
Adding aggregation profile
Step 1: Make sure you have the permissions to add aggregation profile. The user can check his/her permissions by hovering over his/her name in the top bar (described in tenant ui documentation).
Step 2: Go to aggregations page.
Step 3: Click Add button.
Step 4: Fill in the necessary information. Details on aggregation profiles fields is given in aggregation profile documentation.
Adding metric profile
Step 1: Make sure you have the permissions to add metric profile. The user can check his/her permissions by hovering over his/her name in the top bar (described in tenant ui documentation).
Step 2: Go to metric profile page.
Step 3: Click Add button.
Step 4: Fill in the necessary information. Details are given in metric profile documentation.
Adding thresholds profile
Step 1: Make sure you have the permissions to add thresholds profile. The user can check his/her permissions by hovering over his/her name in the top bar (described in tenant ui documentation).
Step 2: Go to thresholds profile page.
Step 3: Click Add button.
Step 4: Fill in the necessary information. Details are given in thresholds profile documentation.