
List of reports

Reports page is accessible from the menu on the left side and is shown in the image below.

Tenant Reports

The table lists report name and short description.

Reports details

By clicking the report's name, user can access reports change page (shown in the image below).

Tenant Reports Details


The first part of the page contains basic information on the chosen report, which includes Name, Description, and Group of reports it belongs to.


In the Profiles section, user may select metric, aggregation, operations, and thresholds profiles used in creation of the chosen report. All the profiles are chosen on dropdown menus. Thresholds profile is not mandatory, while all the other are.

Topology configuration

In Topology configuration section user may choose two types of topology from the dropdown menu: Sites and Service groups. Furthermore, user may pick topology filters (s)he wants to use in the given report for two groups: Group of groups and Group of endpoints.

In Group of groups, user has the option to filter by tags, extensions, and entities. In Group of endpoints one can filter by tags and extensions.


In the Thresholds section, user may set thresholds according to her/his wishes.