The following error codes exist among the methods of the ARGO Web API:

Error HTTP Code Description
Bad request 400 One or more checks may have failed. More details on the carried out checks can be found here
Wrong start_time 400 Use start_time url parameter in zulu format (like 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z) to indicate the query start time
Wrong end_time 400 Use end_time url parameter in zulu format (like 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z) to indicate the query end time
Wrong exec_time 400 Use exec_time url parameter in zulu format (like 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z) to indicate the exact probe execution time
Wrong granularity 400 The parameter value can be either daily or monthly
Unauthorized 401 The client needs to provide a correct authentication token using the header x-api-key
Forbidden 403 Access to the resource is forbidden due to authorization policy enforced
Item not found 404 Either the path is not found or no results are available for the given query
Content not acceptable 406 The Accept header either was not provided or was provided but did not contain any valid content types. Acceptable content types are application/xml or application/json