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Binding API Calls

This documentation file contains guidelines in order to interact with the binding entity.

A binding, is a structure that maps various forms of authentication to the credentials of a service type's "user" entity.

For example, a service type's "user", requires an api token to authenticate to its respective service type. This token should be either

remembered by the "user" or retrieved using some form of credentials.

A binding will hold additional information like a DN or an OIDC Token(in the auth_identifier field), that can be used to retrieve the required api token.

A binding is associated with the uuid of a service type,the host on which this service type runs on,

It also requires the unique_key that the service type that is associated with, uses in order to expose its "user's" information.

[POST] Manage Bindings - Create New Binding

This request creates a new binding.


POST /v1/bindings/{name}`

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Post Body
"name": "b1",
"service_uuid": "b61030d9-bef3-4768-9a03-7b1ff36e8af4cc",
"host": "host1",
"auth_type": "x509",
"unique_key": "key"


If the request is successful, the response contains the newly created binding.

Success Response


"name": "b1",
"service_uuid": "b61030d9-bef3-4768-9a03-7b1ff36e8af4cc",
"host": "host1",
"uuid": "p61020d9-bef3-4768-9a03-331ff36e8af4cc",
"auth_identifier": "dn",
"unique_key": "key",
"auth_type": "x509",
"created_on": "2018-05-24T09:58:17Z"


Please refer to section Errors to see all possible Errors

[GET] Manage Bindings - List All Bindings

This request lists all bindings that are currently present in th service.


GET /v1/bindings


If the request is successful, the response contains all the bindings in the service.

Success Response

200 OK

"bindings": [
"name": "testb",
"service_uuid": "uuid1",
"host": "host1",
"uuid": "p61020d9-bef3-4768-9a03-331ff36e8af4cc",
"auth_identifier": "testdn",
"unique_key": "key",
"auth_type": "x509",
"created_on": "2018-05-23T09:25:25Z",
"updated_on": "2021-05-05T18:04:05Z"
"last_auth": "2018-05-23T09:25:25Z"
"name": "testb2",
"service_uuid": "uuid1",
"host": "host1",
"uuid": "p61020d9-bef3-4768-9a03-331ff36e8af4rr",
"auth_identifier": "testdn",
"unique_key": "key",
"auth_type": "x509",
"created_on": "2018-05-23T09:25:43Z",
"last_auth": "2018-05-23T09:25:25Z"


Please refer to section Errors to see all possible Errors

[GET] Manage Bindings - List All Bindings By Service Type And Host

This request returns all the bindings under the specified service type and host.


GET /v1/service-types/{service-type}/hosts/{host}/bindings`


If the request is successful, the response contains all the bindings under the given host and service.

Success Response

200 OK

"bindings": [
"name": "testb",
"service_uuid": "uuid1",
"host": "host1",
"auth_identifier": "testdn",
"uuid": "p61020d9-bef3-4768-9a03-331ff36e8af4cc",
"unique_key": "key",
"auth_type": "x509",
"created_on": "2018-05-23T09:25:25Z",
"last_auth": "2018-05-23T09:25:25Z"
"name": "testb2",
"service_uuid": "uuid1",
"host": "host1",
"uuid": "p61020d9-bef3-4768-9a03-331ff36e8af4rr",
"auth_identifier": "testdn",
"unique_key": "key",
"auth_type": "x509",
"created_on": "2018-05-23T09:25:43Z",
"updated_on": "2021-05-05T18:04:05Z"
"last_auth": "2018-05-23T09:25:25Z"


Please refer to section Errors to see all possible Errors

[GET] Manage Bindings - List One Binding by Auth identifier

This request returns the binding under the provider service type and host matching the auth identifier


GET /v1/service-types/{service-type}/hosts/{host}/bindings?authID=test_dn


If the request is successful, the response contains all the bindings under the given host and service.

Success Response

200 OK

"bindings": [
"name": "testb",
"service_uuid": "uuid1",
"host": "host1",
"auth_identifier": "testdn",
"uuid": "p61020d9-bef3-4768-9a03-331ff36e8af4cc",
"unique_key": "key",
"auth_type": "x509",
"created_on": "2018-05-23T09:25:25Z",
"last_auth": "2018-05-23T09:25:25Z"


Please refer to section Errors to see all possible Errors

[GET] Manage Bindings - List One Binding By NAME

This request retrieves the information of a binding associated with the provided name.


GET /v1/bindings/{name}


If the request is successful, the response contains the binding associated with the given uuid

Success Response

200 OK

"name": "testb",
"service_uuid": "uuid1",
"host": "host1",
"uuid": "p61020d9-bef3-4768-9a03-331ff36e8af4cc",
"auth_identifier": "testdn",
"unique_key": "key",
"auth_type": "x509",
"created_on": "2018-05-23T09:25:25Z",
"last_auth": "2018-05-23T09:25:25Z"


Please refer to section Errors to see all possible Errors

[PUT] Manage Bindings - Update a Binding

This request updates binding. You can specify one or more fields to update. The allowed to be updated fields are:

name, service_uuid, host, auth_identifier, auth_type, unique_key.


PUT /v1/bindings/{name}
Request Body
"name": "b1_updated"


If the request is successful, the response contains the updated binding.

Success Response

200 OK

"name": "b1_updated",
"service_uuid": "b61030d9-bef3-4768-9a03-7b1ff36e8af4cc",
"host": "host1",
"uuid": "p61020d9-bef3-4768-9a03-331ff36e8af4cc",
"auth_identifier": "host1",
"unique_key": "key",
"auth_type": "x509",
"created_on": "2018-05-24T09:58:17Z",
"updated_on": "2021-05-05T18:04:05Z"


Please refer to section Errors to see all possible Errors

[DELETE] Manage Bindings - Delete a Binding

This request deletes a binding.


DELETE /v1/bindings/{name}`


If the request is successful, the response is empty.

Success Response

204 No Content