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Topics are resources that can hold messages. Publishers (users/systems) can create topics on demand and name them (Usually with names that make sense and express the class of messages delivered in the topic). A topic name must be scoped to a project.

[PUT] Manage Topics - Create new topic

This request creates a new topic with the given topic_name in a project with a PUT request


PUT "/v1/projects/{project_name}/topics/{topic_name}"


If you need to link a schema with the topic you need to provide its name.

"schema": "schema-1"


  • Project_name: Name of the project to create
  • Topic_name: The topic name to create

Example request

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json"


If successful, the response contains the newly created topic.

Success Response 200 OK

"name": "projects/BRAND_NEW/topics/monitoring"


Please refer to section Errors to see all possible Errors

[DELETE] Manage Topics - Delete topic

This request deletes the defined topic in a project with a DELETE request


DELETE "/v1/projects/{project_name}/topics/{topic_name}"


  • Project_name: Name of the project to delete
  • Topic_name: The topic name to delete

Example request

curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json"  
-d '' "https://{URL}/v1/projects/BRAND_NEW/topics/monitoring?key=S3CR3T"


Success Response Code: 200 OK, Empty response if successful.


Please refer to section Errors to see all possible Errors

[GET] Manage Topics - Get a topic

This request gets the details of a topic in a project with a GET request


GET "/v1/projects/{project_name}/topics/{topic_name}"


  • Project_name: Name of the project to get
  • Topic_name: The topic name to get

Example request

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"  


If successful, the response returns the details of the defined topic.

Success Response 200 OK

"name": "projects/BRAND_NEW/topics/monitoring"


Please refer to section Errors to see all possible Errors

[GET] Manage Topics - List Topics

This request lists all available topics under a specific project in the service using pagination.

If the USER making the request has only publisher role for the respective project, it will load only the topics that he has access to(being present in a topic's acl).

It is important to note that if there are no results to return the service will return the following:

Success Response 200 OK

"users": [],
"nextPageToken": "",
"totalSize": 0

Also the default value for pageSize = 0 and pageToken = ".

Pagesize = 0 returns all the results.

Paginated Request that returns all topics under the specified project

GET "/v1/projects/{project_name}/topics"


  • Project_name: Name of the project to get the list of topics

Example request

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"


Success Response 200 OK

"topics": [
"nextPageToken": "",
"totalSize": 2

Paginated Request that returns the first page of a specific size

GET "/v1/projects/{project_name}/topics"


  • Project_name: Name of the project to get the list of topics

Example request

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"


Success Response 200 OK

"topics": [
"nextPageToken": "some_token",
"totalSize": 2

Paginated Request that returns the next page of a specific size

GET "/v1/projects/{project_name}/topics"


  • Project_name: Name of the project to get the list of topics

Example request

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"


Success Response 200 OK

"topics": [
"nextPageToken": "",
"totalSize": 2


Please refer to section Errors to see all possible Errors

[POST] Publish message/s to a topic

The topic:publish endpoint publishes a message, or a list of messages to a specific topic with a POST request


POST "/v1/projects/{project_name}/topics/{topic_name}:publish"


  • Project_name: Name of the project to post the messages
  • topic_name: to post the messages

Post data

"messages": [
"attributes": {


The value of the data property must be always encoded in base64 format.

AVRO Schema Use case

Whenever a topic has an AVRO Schema attached to it, all messages need to have their schema encoded alongside them in order for the validation to work properly.

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"  
-d $POSTDATA "https://{URL}/v1/projects/BRAND_NEW/topics/monitoring:publish?key=S3CR3T"


If successful, the response contains the messageIds of the messages published.

Success Response 200 OK

"messageIds": [


Please refer to section Errors to see all possible Errors

[GET] List ACL of a given topic

The following request returns a list of authorized users (publishers) of a given topic.


GET "/v1/projects/{project_name}/topics/{topic_name}:acl"


  • Project_name: name of the project
  • topic_name: name of the topic

Example request

curl  -H "Content-Type: application/json"


If successful it returns the authorized users of the topic.

Success Response 200 OK

"authorized_users": [


Please refer to section Errors to see all possible Errors

[POST] Modify ACL of a given topic

The following request Modifies the authorized users list of a given topic


POST "/v1/projects/{project_name}/topics/{topic_name}:modifyAcl"


  • Project_name: Name of the project
  • topic_name: name of the topic

Post data

"authorized_users": [

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"  
-d $POSTDATA "https://{URL}/v1/projects/BRAND_NEW/topics/monitoring:modifyAcl?key=S3CR3T"


Success Response 200 OK


If the to-be updated ACL contains users that are non-existent in the project the API returns the following error: 404 NOT_FOUND

"error": {
"code": 404,
"message": "User(s): UserFoo1,UserFoo2 do not exist",
"status": "NOT_FOUND"


Please refer to section Errors to see all possible Errors

[GET] Topic Metrics

The following request returns related metrics for the specific topic: for e.g. the number of published messages


GET "/v1/projects/{project_name}/topics/{topic_name}:metrics"


  • Project_name: name of the project
  • topic_name: name of the topic

Example request

curl  -H "Content-Type: application/json"


If successful it returns topic's related metrics (number of messages published and total bytes).

Success Response 200 OK

"metrics": [
"metric": "topic.number_of_subscriptions",
"metric_type": "counter",
"value_type": "int64",
"resource_type": "topic",
"resource_name": "topic1",
"timeseries": [
"timestamp": "2017-06-27T10:20:18Z",
"value": 1
"description": "Counter that displays the number of subscriptions belonging to a specific topic"
"metric": "topic.number_of_messages",
"metric_type": "counter",
"value_type": "int64",
"resource_type": "topic",
"resource_name": "topic1",
"timeseries": [
"timestamp": "2017-06-27T10:20:18Z",
"value": 0
"description": "Counter that displays the number number of messages published to the specific topic"
"metric": "topic.number_of_bytes",
"metric_type": "counter",
"value_type": "int64",
"resource_type": "topic",
"resource_name": "topic1",
"timeseries": [
"timestamp": "2017-06-27T10:20:18Z",
"value": 0
"description": "Counter that displays the total size of data (in bytes) published to the specific topic"
"metric": "topic.number_of_daily_messages",
"metric_type": "counter",
"value_type": "int64",
"resource_type": "topic",
"resource_name": "topic1",
"timeseries": [
"timestamp": "2018-10-02",
"value": 30
"timestamp": "2018-10-01",
"value": 40
"description": "A collection of counters that represents the total number of messages published each day to a specific topic"
"metric": "topic.publishing_rate",
"metric_type": "rate",
"value_type": "float64",
"resource_type": "topic",
"resource_name": "topic1",
"timeseries": [
"timestamp": "2019-05-06T00:00:00Z",
"value": 10
"description": "A rate that displays how many messages were published per second between the last two publish events"


Please refer to section Errors to see all possible Errors