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Mattermost Integration


Push enabled subscriptions provide us with the functionality to forward messages to mattermost channels via mattermost webhooks.

Mattermost Configuration

Refer to this guide on how to set up your mattermost webhook.

Subscription Configuration

"topic": "projects/example/topics/alarms-reformat-mattermost-topic",
"pushConfig": {
"type": "mattermost",
"maxMessages": 1,
"retryPolicy": {
"type": "linear",
"period": 3000
"mattermostUrl": "",
"mattermostUsername": "bot argo",
"mattermostChannel": "monitoring-alarms",
"base64Decode": true
  • mattermostUrl: Is the webhook url that will be generated through the integrations tab of the mattermost UI.

  • mattermostUsername: Is the username that will be displayed alongside the forwarded messages.

  • mattermostChannel: Is the channel that the messages will be forwarded to.

  • base64Decode: Messages in AMS should be base64 encoded.This flag allows a subscription to know if the the messages should be first decoded before being pushed to the remote destination. Refer to the following guides to better understand push enabled subscriptions and how to use them.

Swagger Create Subscription

Push Enabled Subscriptions

Reformat Messages Example

In some cases, a topic that has some raw messages, but we first want to process them and reformat them, before pushing to mattermost, or reusing them for any other activity. In order to achieve this we need to consume from the topic's subscription and republish them to another topic after the messages have been processes. We then attach a push enabled subscription to the topic with the reformatted messages.

The following snipper shows this kind of functionality.

NOTE: Implement your own format_message() function to transform messages to the desired format. The function accepts the original message decoded as input, and returns the formatted string.

# set up the ams client
ams_host = "{0}:{1}".format(, str(args.port))"Setting up AMS client for host {0} and project: {1}".format(ams_host, args.project))
ams = ArgoMessagingService(endpoint=ams_host, project=args.project, token=args.token)

while True:
# consume alerts
consumed_messages = ams.pull_sub(sub=args.sub, return_immediately=True, verify=args.verify)
if len(consumed_messages) == 0:
payload = consumed_messages[0][1].get_data()
ack_id = consumed_messages[0][0]

# if we can't parse the message body we should ack the message and move to the next
payload = json.loads(payload)"Examining new message {0} . . .".format(ack_id))

# skip messages that don't have a type of 'endpoint' or 'group'
if "type" not in payload or (payload["type"] != 'endpoint' and payload["type"] != 'group'):"Skipping message {0} with wrong payload . . .".format(ack_id))
ams.ack_sub(sub=args.sub, ids=[ack_id], verify=args.verify)
except AmsException as e:
LOGGER.error("Could not skip message {0}.{1}".format(ack_id, str(e)))
except Exception as e:
LOGGER.error("Cannot parse payload for message {0}.{1}.Skipping . . .".format(ack_id, str(e)))
ams.ack_sub(sub=args.sub, ids=[ack_id], verify=args.verify)
except AmsException as e:
LOGGER.error("Could not skip message {0}.{1}".format(ack_id, str(e)))

# format and publish the new message
formatted_message = format_message(payload)
ams.publish(topic=args.topic, msg=[AmsMessage(data=formatted_message)], verify=args.verify)
except AmsException as e:
LOGGER.error("Could not publish to topic.{0}".format(str(e)))

# ack the original alert
ams.ack_sub(sub=args.sub, ids=[ack_id], verify=args.verify)
except AmsException as e:
LOGGER.error("Could not ack original alert {0}.{1}".format(ack_id, str(e)))
except AmsException as e:
LOGGER.error("Cannot pull from subscription.{0}".format(str(e)))
