API documentation

This document describes the API service, using the HTTP application protocol. This API uses XML as the primary exchange format.


The ARGO Web API provides the Serving Layer of ARGO. It is comprised of a high performance and scalable data store and a multi-tenant REST HTTP API, which is used for retrieving the Status, Availability and Reliability reports and the actual raw metric results.


RPM install

You will need a RHEL 6.x or similar (base installation) to proceed. As a first step make sure that on your host an ntp client service is configured properly.

Software Repositories

On your host the next step is to install (as root user) the ar-release package via yum:

yum install http://rpm.hellasgrid.gr/mash/centos6-arstats/x86_64/ar-release-1.0.0-3.21.el6.noarch.rpm

This package will configure on the host(s) the repository files under /etc/yum.repos.d.

Also install the EPEL repository. This can be done by installing the epel-release package for the appropriate OS. For example:

yum install http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm 

Then you can install the ARGO Web API using yum:

yum install argo-web-api

Manual build

  1. Install Golang and bzr library

  2. Install godep tool

     go get github.com/tools/godep
  3. Create a new work space:

     mkdir ~/go-workspace
     export GOPATH=~/go-workspace
     export PATH=$PATH:GOPATH

You may add the export lines into the ~/.bashrc or the ~/.bash_profile file to have the GOPATH and PATH environment variables properly setup upon every login.

  1. Get the latest version and all dependencies (Using Godep):

     godep update ...
  2. To build the service use the following command:

     go build
  3. To run the service use the following command:

  4. To run the unit-tests with coverage results:

     gocov test ./... | gocov-xml > coverage.xml
  5. To generate and serve godoc (@port 6060)

     godoc -http=:6060


The ARGO Web API uses TLS connections and it requires the existence of valid X.509v3 certificate and the corresponding private key.

For a list of options use the following command:

./argo-web-api -h


With the following configuration, the API binds to TCP port 443 on all the available IPs and uses the certificate in /etc/pki/tls/certs/cert.crt and its corresponding private key in /etc/pki/tls/certs/priv.key.

bindip = ""
port = 443
maxprocs = 4
cache = false
lrucache = 700000000
gzip = true
cert = /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt
privkey = /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key
reqsizelimit = 1073741824
enable_cors = false

host = ""
port = 27017
db = "argo_core"

And the API can be started by issuing the command:

service argo-web-api start
GRNET S.A - Greek Research & Technology Network Centre national de la recherche scientifique SCRE - Web stranice Sveučilišnog računskog centra European Grid Infrastructure