Compute Engine Input

This document describes the compute engine input data (metrics, topology, profiles, factors).

Input Data

Input Data Description Shortcut
Metric data Metric data come in the form of avro files and contain timestamped status information about the hostname,service and specific checks (metrics) that are being monitored Description
Topology files Topology information is provided by two files: a) groups of endpoints, and b) groups of groups. Description
Metric profiles Every service type contains a number of metrics that are being checked from the monitoring mechanism. Description
Weights (factors) Some group items have an associated weight information (factors) on how they contribute when are being aggregated on higher level groups. Description
Downtimes Downtime information: the period (start_time –> end_time) in which a specific service endpoint was in scheduled downtime. Description

Metric data

The main engine’s input is the metric data collected from the argo-consumer component. These files (according to the default configuration of ar-consumer component) reside to the /var/lib/ar-consumer/ folder.

Metric data come in the form of avro files and contain timestamped status information about the hostname,service and specific checks (metrics) that are being monitored. A typical item of information in the metric data avro file contains the following fields:

Name Description Required
hostname The fqdn address of the host being monitored YES
service The name of the specific service being monitored YES
metric The name of the specific metric (check) of the service that is being monitored YES
timestamp Time of the monitoring check YES
status Status of the metric during the monitoring check YES
monitoring_host The fqdn of the monitoring agent NO
summary Text containing a summary of the monitoring check NO
message Text containing the detailed system output message of the monitoring check probe NO
tags Array containing optional user defined tags NO

The current raw avro schema file for the metric data is the following:

{ "namespace": "argo.avro",
  "type": "record",
  "name": "metric_data",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "timestamp", "type": "string"},
    { "name": "service", "type": "string"},
    { "name": "hostname", "type": "string"},
    { "name": "metric", "type": "string"},
    { "name": "status", "type": "string"},
    { "name": "monitoring_host", "type": ["null", "string"]},
    { "name": "summary", "type": ["null", "string"]},
    { "name": "message", "type": ["null", "string"]},
    { "name": "tags", "type" : ["null", 
       { "name" : "Tags",
       "type" : "map",
       "values" : ["int", "string"]

Additional input: topology, profiles, factors

This core metric data set is processed and transformed with additional information provided by the argo-connector components. Additional information includes topology, grouping of services, weight factors, lists relevant metrics to be considered, etc. This information is provided per-tenant/per-job in the following path


for example for tenant-name=T1 and job-name=JobA the correct path with the sync files is as follows


Some sync files that concern the whole enviroment such as the downtime information are provided once in the root ar-sync folder /var/lib/ar-sync/

Topology files

Topology information is provided by two files:

  • groups of endpoints,
  • groups of groups.

A service endpoint is considered by the engine the simplest item of topology. Service endpoint combines the information of hostname + service_name. Service endpoints can be grouped together forming upper level entities named endpoint groups. For example an organization’s geographical IT site that is being monitored can be considered a group of service endpoints. Information for available endpoint groups is contained in the file group_endpoints.


The file uses avro format and contains the following fields:

Name Description Required
group The name of the group (e.g. MY-SITE-A) YES
type The type of the grouping (e.g. sites) YES
hostname The hostname fqdn part info of the specific endpoint contained in the group YES
service The service name part info of the specific endpoint contained in the group YES
tags User defined tags providing description metadata NO

Below is the full description of the group_endpoints.avro specification

  "namespace": "argo.avro",
  "type": "record",
  "name": "group_of_service_endpoints",
    "fields": [
      { "name": "type", "type": "string" },
      { "name": "group", "type": "string" },
      { "name": "service", "type": "string" },
      { "name": "hostname", "type": "string" },
      { "name": "tags", "type" : [
	"null", { "name" : "Tags",
		  "type" : "map",
		  "values" : ["int", "string"]


Service endpoint groups can be further grouped in higher-level entities such as for example nation-wide groups of sites etc. The topology information regarding higher-level groups is contained to the group_groups.avro file.

The file uses avro format and contains the following fields:

Name Description Required
profile Profile name YES
group The name of the group (e.g. MY-SITE-A) YES
type The type of the grouping (e.g. sites) YES
hostname The hostname fqdn part info of the specific endpoint contained in the group YES
service The service name part info of the specific endpoint contained in the group YES
tags User defined tags providing description metadata NO

Below is the full description of the avro specification:

Name Description Required
group The name of the group (e.g. MY-NATIONAL-GROUP) YES
type The type of the grouping (e.g. national entities) YES
subgroup The name of the lower level group contained (e.g. MY-SITE-A) YES
tags User defined tags providing description metadata NO

The structure of the specific file gives the ability to define recursively group entities that can be contained as subgroups on other group entities.

An abstract example using cities, nations, continents

group: 'Athens', type: 'cities', subgroup:'location-1'
group: 'Athens', type: 'cities', subgroup:'location-2'
group: 'Athens', type: 'cities', subgroup:'location-3'

group: 'Thessaloniki', type: 'cities', subgroup:'location-5'
group: 'Thessaloniki', type: 'cities', subgroup:'location-6'
group: 'Thessaloniki', type: 'cities', subgroup:'location-7'

group: 'Greece', type: 'countries', subgroup: 'Athens'
group: 'Greece', type: 'countries', subgroup: 'Thessaloniki'

group: 'Europe', type: 'continents' subgroup: 'Greece'
group: 'Europe', type: 'continents' subgroup: 'Croatia'
group: 'Europe', type: 'continents' subgroup: 'France'

Below is the full avro specification of the group_groups.avro file:

  "namespace": "argo.avro",
  "type": "record",
  "name": "group_groups",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "type", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "group", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "subgroup", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "tags", "type" : [
      "null", { "name" : "Tags",
		"type" : "map",
		"values" : ["int", "string"]

Metric Profiles

Every service type contains a number of metrics that are being checked from the monitoring mechanism. Each metric equals to a specific monitoring check that takes place periodically on the host and has to do with a specific facet of the service’s operation (processes, memory, load, files, settings, network etc)

When wanting to look on the whole status information of the service for a given time it is possible to take into account any number of the metrics available (for e.g. the most critical ones) and compose a view of the service based on those specific metrics selected. This view is dictated by a profile, actually a metric profile which contains information about the service and which metrics are relevant. The metric profile is provided as an avro type file containing the following fields:

Name Description Required
profile Name of the profile YES
service Name of the specific service YES
metric Name of the metric to be taken into account YES
tags User defined tags NO

and the full avro specification:

  "namespace": "argo.avro",
  "type": "record",
  "name": "metric_profiles",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "profile", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "service", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "metric", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "tags", "type" : [
      "null", { "name" : "Tags",
		"type" : "map",
		"values" : ["int", "string"]

Weights (factors)

Some group items have an associated weight information (factors) on how they contribute when are being aggregated on higher level groups. For example hepspec weights for specific sites when they are aggregated on their contribution on national level groups. The weight information is provided in an avro file format containing the following fields:

Name Description Required
type Type of the weight (for e.g. hepspec) YES
site Name of the specific site YES
weight Number value of the weight YES

The full avro specification of the weight file:

  "namespace": "argo.avro",
  "type": "record",
  "name": "weight_sites",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "type", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "site", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "weight", "type": "string" }


Downtime information: the period (start_time –> end_time) in which a specific service endpoint was in scheduled downtime. This information resided in the corresponding downtime avro file. The file has the following fields:

Name Description Required
hostname The hostname fqdn info part of the specific service endpoint YES
service The service name info part of the specific service endpoint YES
start_time WC3 date/time when the period begins YES
end_time WC3 date/time when the period ends YES

The full avro specification of the file is provided below

  "namespace": "argo.avro",
  "type": "record",
  "name": "downtimes",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "hostname", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "service", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "start_time", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "end_time", "type": "string" }
GRNET S.A - Greek Research & Technology Network Centre national de la recherche scientifique SCRE - Web stranice Sveučilišnog računskog centra European Grid Infrastructure