Compute - Cli interaction

This document describes the Executable Scripts for cli interaction with the compute engine

Executable Scripts for cli interaction with the compute engine

In the folder /usr/libexec/ar-compute/bin/ reside executable scripts that can be used for uploading metric data and sync data to the hadoop cluster (HDFS Filesystem). .

Script Description Shortcut The specific script is used in order to upload daily metric data (relative to a tenant) to HDFS. Description The specific script is used in order to upload daily sync data (relative to a tenant and a job) to HDFS. Description The specific script is used if necessary to clean a/r data from the datastore regarding for specified tenant,report and date. Description The specific script is used if necessary to clean status detail data from the datastore for specified tenant,report and date. Description

This utility is used in order to upload the daily metric data for a specified date and tenant to the ARGO Compute Engine.

Full path



Name Description Required
-d --date {YYYY-MM-DD} specifies the date of the metric data we want to upload (e.g. MY-SITE-A) YES
-t --tenant {STRING} a case-sensitive string specifying the name of the tenant YES

This utility is used in order to upload the daily sync data for a specified date and tenant to the ARGO Compute Engine.

Full path



Name Description Required
-d --date {YYYY-MM-DD} the date of the daily sync data we want to upload YES
-t --tenant {STRING} the name of the tenant. Case sensitive. YES
-j --job {STRING} the name of the job. Case sensitive YES

This utility is used in order to delete availability and reliability data from the datastore, for a specified tenant,report and date. It is called automatically before each A/R computation, but can be ran also manually. The script reports back the number of records and from which collections these records are removed.

Full path



Name Description Required
-d --date {YYYY-MM-DD} the date (day) for which to delete the availability and reliability data YES
-t --tenant {STRING} the name of the tenant. Case sensitive. YES
-j --report {STRING} the id (uuid format) of the report that results belong to. Case sensitive YES

This utility can be used in order to delete the status detail data from the datastore, for a specified tenant,report and date.

Full path



Name Description Required
-d --date {YYYY-MM-DD} the date (day) for which to delete the availability and reliability data YES
-t --tenant {STRING} the name of the tenant. Case sensitive. YES
-j --report {STRING} the id (uuid format) of the report that results belong to. Case sensitive YES
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