Installation for standalone mode

This document will guide you through the standalone mode installation process.

Installation (standalone mode)

This document will guide you through the installation process. The ARGO components that will be installed on the node include the following items:

  • Consumer service
  • Connectors
  • Compute Engine
  • Web API service

For a production environment we propose having one node with the following minimum specifications:

  • 4 CPUs
  • 8GB RAM
  • 100 GB Disk

You are stronly encouraged to use the Ansible based deployment playbook available on github.

If you are not familiar with Ansible or would rather follow the step-by-step guide continue reading.


  • You will need a RHEL 6.x or similar OS (base installation) to proceed. Note that the following instructions have been tested against CentOS 6.x OSes.
  • Make sure that on your host an ntp client service is configured properly.
  • You will need an x509 key/certificate pair in order to proceed.

The first step is to install (as root user) the EPEL repository definitions via yum:

# yum install epel-release

Create a new file with filename /etc/yum.repos.d/argo.repo and place within it the following contents:

name=ARGO Product Repository

name=ARstats Development Repository

You will also need to install the cloudera repository for Hadoop components to be retrieved (although you will not install any Hadoop cluster, some libraries from the Hadoop ecosystem are needed). Under a new file named /etc/yum.repos.d/cloudera-cdh5.repo place the following contents:

name=Cloudera's Distribution for Hadoop, Version 5
gpgkey =
gpgcheck = 1

You will need to add the MongoDB (version 3) repository. The name of the file should be /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb_3.repo and its contents should be:

name=MongoDB Repository

Lastly, you need to also install the EGI trustanchors repository (this is required on the host for communicating with topology providing services). Under a new file named /etc/yum.repos.d/EGI-trustanchors.repo place the following contents:



Install (via pip) the latest version of the pymongo library:

# yum install python-pip
# pip install --upgrade pymongo

Install avro and the ARGO components:

# yum install avro --enablerepo=argo-prod
# yum install argo-egi-consumer --enablerepo=argo-prod
# yum install argo-egi-connectors --enablerepo=argo-prod
# yum install ar-compute --enablerepo=argo-prod
# yum install mongodb-org-server-3.0.7 mongodb-org-3.0.7
# yum install argo-web-api --enablerepo=argo-prod


Connectors configuration

The argo-egi-connectors package installs components needed for fetching complimentary to the Compute Engine data from sources of truth (i.e. GOCDB service, POEM service etc). By default the connectors are configured to fetch this information on a daily basis. For configuration details of the connectors visit this page.

Consumer configuration

The argo-egi-consumer service can be configured to connect to one or more message brokers. By default the configuration will connect to and

This configuration (having the consumer connected to two or more broker instances) is suggested as it will allow the consumer service to cycle to the next broker in the case the one it is connected to fails for any reason. For further configuration details of the consumer service please refer here.

After applying the necessary configurations start the consumer service and add it to appropriate run levels, so that it starts upon the next reboot.

# service argo-egi-consumer start
# chkconfig argo-egi-consumer on

CE configuration

Edit the /etc/ar-compute-engine.conf configuration file and

  • set the value of the mongo_host variable to
  • set the value of the mode variable to local
  • set the values of the prefilter_clean and sync_clean variables to either true of false

All configuration options are described in detail here

Under the folder /etc/cron.d/ place two cronjobs that will handle hourly and daily calculations.

Under the folder /etc/cron.d/ place two cronjobs that will handle hourly and daily calculations.

For the daily caclulations edit /etc/cron.d/ar_job_cycle_daily and place the following contents:

0 0 * * * root /usr/libexec/ar-compute/standalone/ -d $(/bin/date --utc --date '-1 day' +\%Y-\%m-\%d)

Optionally, for having hourly caclulations edit /etc/cron.d/ar_job_cycle_hourly and place the following contents:

55 * * * * root /usr/libexec/ar-compute/standalone/ -d $(/bin/date --utc  +\%Y-\%m-\%d)

Log files

The compute engine uses by default the system syslog to log any messages. You may change this behaviour by editing the configucation file /etc/ar-compute-engine.conf. You may also wish to change the logging level by setting the log_level value to your preference.

Web API and datastore configurations

Edit the /etc/mongod.conf file and set the value of the variable bindIp to

To start and enable the MongoDB service use the following two commands:

# service mongod start
# chkconfig mongod on

The Web API has a single configuration file: /etc/argo-web-api.conf. Make sure that in the [server] section the variables cert and key point to the public x509 certificate and private rsa key files respectively. For further configuration options visit this page.

Finally, start the Web API service using the following command:

# start argo-web-api
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