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Click-Through Rate


The number of user clicks through recommendations panels divided by the total times recommendation panels were presented to users.


The number of user clicks through recommendations panels divided by the total times recommendation panels were presented to users. Takes into account all historical data of user actions.

The metric is expressed by the formula: ClickThroughRate=clicksviewsClick-Through Rate=\frac{clicks}{views}



A value of 0 indicates that no clicks through recommendations panels occurred.


  • all available user actions

Process Flow:

  • Retrieve user actions with recommendation panel

Get only the user actions that present a recommendation panel to the user in the source page. Those are actions with the following source paths:

  • /services
  • /services
  • /services/c/{any category name}
  • Count user actions with recommendation panel

Count the items in the above list as they represent the times recommendations panels were presented to the users of the portal

  • Filter list

Narrow the above list into a new subset by selecting only user actions that originate from a recommendation panel. Those are actions that have the 'recommendation' string in the Action column

  • Count user actions with clicks through recommendation panel

Count the items in the subset as they represent the times users clicked through recommendations

  • Calculate ratio

Divide the items of the subset with the items of the first list to get the click-through rate