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Diversity Shannon Entropy


Measures Recommendations' diversity. The entropy is 0 when a single item is always chosen or recommended, and log n when n items are chosen or recommended equally often.


The diversity (HH) of the recommendations according to Shannon Entropy. The entropy is 0 when a single item is always chosen or recommended, and log(n) when n items are chosen or recommended equally often (see book). Generally, the Shannon Entropy mathematical expression is defined as: H=i=1np(i)log2p(i)H=-\sum_{i=1}^{n}p(i)\log_2 p(i)

In RS Metrics the formula is determined as: Diversity=i=1services(count(i)recommendations)log2(count(i)recommendations)Diversity=-\sum_{i=1}^{services}\left(\frac{count(i)}{recommendations}\right)\log_2 \left(\frac{count(i)}{recommendations}\right)



The entropy is 0 when a single item is always chosen or recommended, and log n when n items are chosen or recommended equally often.


  • recommendations without anonymous users
  • all available services

Process Flow:

Recommendations clean up; entries removal where users or services are not found in "users" or "services" files accordingly

  • Services Impact

Calculation of the impact of the services, by counting how many times each service i was suggested to all possible users: count(i)

For each service calculate its recommended probability by dividing the number of service's occurrences found in the recommendations to the total number of recommendations

  • Service-based product computation

Calculation of the product of the recommended probability from previous step and the logarithmic value of it, for each service individually

  • Shannon Entropy computation

Computation of the overall value by summing all values from previous step