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API Errors


In case of Error during handling user’s request the API responds using the following schema:

"code": 500,
"message": "Internal Server Error"

Error Codes

The following error codes are the possible errors of all methods

ErrorCodeStatusRelated Requests
Bad Request400BAD_REQUESTAll POST, PATCH, and PUT requests
Unauthorized401UNAUTHORIZEDAll requests (if a user is not authenticated)
Forbidden Access to Resource403FORBIDDENAll requests (if a user is forbidden to access the resource)
Entity Not Found404NOT_FOUNDAll GET requests
Entity already exists409CONFLICTAll POST, PATCH, and PUT requests
Cannot consume content type415UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPEAll POST, PATCH, and PUT requests
Internal Server Error500INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORAll requests