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In order to register a new Metric in the Accounting System, first you have to complete the following steps:

  • Create a new Metric Definition
  • Register your Project
  • Correlate Providers with the registered Project
  • Use a Provider from EOSC-Portal or create a new Provider through AS API
  • Create a new Installation

Once you have completed the above steps, you can submit a new metric in the Accounting System.

The Metric consists of the following attributes:

idUnique ID of the Metric
metric_definition_idReference Id from the metric definition
time_period_startTimestamp of the starting date time (Zulu timestamp)
time_period_endTimestamp of the end date time (Zulu timestamp)
valueValue of the metric for the given period (decimal value)

[POST] - Create a new Metric

You can create a new Metric by executing the following POST request:

POST /accounting-system/installations/{installation_id}/metrics

Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}

"metric_definition_id" : "62973fea0f41a20c683e9014",
"time_period_start": "2020-12-20T09:13:07Z",
"time_period_end": "2020-12-25T11:14:07Z",
"value": 700

Upon inserting the record into the database, the API returns the Metric enhanced with the metric id :

Success Response 201 CREATED

"metric_id": "72983kea0h41a20c683e3589",
"metric_definition_id": "62973fea0f41a20c683e9014",
"time_period_start": "2020-12-20T09:13:07Z",
"time_period_end": "2020-12-25T11:14:07Z",
"value": 700

[DELETE] - Delete an existing Metric

The client should be able to delete an existing Metric. As a result, the Accounting System API has to offer an operation deleting the Metric that the client wants. Subsequently, the registered Metric can be deleted by executing the following request:

DELETE /accounting-system/installations/{installation_id}/metrics/{metric_id}

Authorization: Bearer {token}

Upon the successful deletion, the API will return the following informative response:

Success Response 200 OK

"code": 200,
"message: "The Metric has been deleted successfully."

[PATCH] - Update an existing Metric

The following endpoint is used to update the values of an existing Metric:

PATCH /accounting-system/installations/{installation_id}/metrics/{id}

Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}

"time_period_start": "time_period_start_to_be_updated",
"time_period_end": "time_period_end_to_be_updated",
"value": value_to_be_updated

In order to update the resource properties, the body of the request must contain an updated representation of Metric. You can update a part or all attributes of the Metric. The empty or null values are ignored. The response will be the updated entity :

Success Response 200 OK


[GET] - Fetch an existing Metric

Having the id of a Metric, the client can request the relevant to that id Metric by executing the following request:

GET /accounting-system/installations/{installation_id}/metrics/{metric_id}

Authorization: Bearer {token}

The response is as follows:

Success Response 200 OK

"metric_id": "72983kea0h41a20c683e3589",
"metric_definition_id": "62973fea0f41a20c683e9014",
"time_period_start": "2020-12-20T09:13:07Z",
"time_period_end": "2020-12-25T11:14:07Z",
"value": 55

[POST] - Search for Metrics

You can search on Metrics, to find the ones corresponding to the given search criteria. Metrics can be searched by executing the following request:

POST accounting-system/metrics/search
Content-Type: application/json

Example 1:

"type": "query",
"field": "time_period_start",
"values": "2022-01-05T09:13:07Z",
"operand": "gte"

Example 2:

"type": "filter",
"operator": "OR",
"criteria": [
"type": "query",
"field": "value",
"values": 60,
"operand": lt
"type": "filter",
"operator": "AND",
"criteria": [
"type": "query",
"field": "time_period_start",
"values": "2019-01-05T09:13:07Z",
"operand": "gte"
"type": "query",
"field": "time_period_end",
"values": "2023-10-05T09:15:07Z",
"operand": "lt"

The context of the request should be a json object. The syntax of the json object , is described here If the operation is successful, you get a list of metrics, for example:

"size_of_page": 3,
"number_of_page": 1,
"total_elements": 3,
"total_pages": 1,
"content": [
"id": "6360c6283b4ae429c92409d9",
"time_period_start": "2020-04-05T09:13:07Z",
"time_period_end": "2020-10-08T09:13:07Z",
"value": 1000.0,
"project": "El_CapiTun",
"provider": "meeo",
"installation_id": "6360c5f23b4ae429c92409d8",
"project_id": "750802",
"metric_definition": [
"creatorId": "",
"id": "63d0e2c471b9a53f199a46b0",
"metricName": "TB/YEAR",
"metricDescription": "Terrabyte Per Year",
"unitType": "TB/year",
"metricType": "count"
"id": "6360c6543b4ae429c92409dc",
"time_period_start": "2022-01-05T09:13:07Z",
"time_period_end": "2022-02-08T09:13:07Z",
"value": 1000.0,
"project": "El_CapiTun",
"provider": "meeo",
"installation_id": "6360c5f23b4ae429c92409d8",
"project_id": "750802",
"metric_definition": [
"creatorId": "",
"id": "63d0e2c471b9a53f199a46b0",
"metricName": "TB/YEAR",
"metricDescription": "Terrabyte Per Year",
"unitType": "TB/year",
"metricType": "count"
"id": "6360c63a3b4ae429c92409db",
"time_period_start": "2022-04-05T09:13:07Z",
"time_period_end": "2022-10-08T09:13:07Z",
"value": 1000.0,
"project": "El_CapiTun",
"provider": "meeo",
"installation_id": "6360c5f23b4ae429c92409d8",
"project_id": "750802",
"metric_definition": [
"creatorId": "",
"id": "63d0e2c471b9a53f199a46b0",
"metricName": "TB/YEAR",
"metricDescription": "Terrabyte Per Year",
"unitType": "TB/year",
"metricType": "count"
"links": []


Please refer to section Errors to see all possible Errors.