📄️ Client
As a client we define either a user or a service that communicates and interacts with the Accounting System API.
📄️ Metric Definition
Metrics are measures of quantitative assessment commonly used for assessing, comparing, and tracking usage or performance of a service. They are the main indicators.
📄️ Project
A Project is the main resource of the Accounting System. The first step a user must follow is to create a project under which the metric data will belong.
📄️ Provider
As Provider, we refer to the Organisation that offers at least one installation to a specific project.
📄️ Installation
We use the term installation as it is defined in the Virtual Access documentation to refer to a specific instance or part of a resource/service that is allocated to a specific Project by one Provider.
📄️ Metric
In order to register a new Metric in the Accounting System, first you have to complete the following steps:
📄️ Metric Type
A Metric Type determines how the physical quantities are collected over longer time windows.
📄️ Unit Type
A Unit Type expresses and measures physical quantities used in various infrastructures, service providers, and projects. It is used to describe a class or group of Units based on a single characteristic.
📄️ Resource
The Accounting System communicates with EOSC Resource Catalogue to retrieve the available Resources. From the response we receive we keep specific information, which expresses a Resource. The Resource for the Accounting Service has the following structure:
📄️ Collecting Metrics from different levels
The Accounting System offers the possibility to collect Metrics from different levels of the hierarchical structure Project -> Provider -> Installation.
📄️ API Errors