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Syntax a search filter

Syntax a search filter

You can apply a search operation on the Projects,Providers,Installations, Metrics,Metric Definitions,existing on the Accounting Service.You can search on a specific field or on a combination of fields of the collection. In order to apply a search request,you need to provide the search criteria on the fields,and the search operation will retrieve the results that match them

Defining search criteria, can be done with 2 ways:
"query" : defines a search on a single field of the Collection. e.g on Collection Metrics : installation="insta1" "filter": defines a search on multiple criteria combined with operators AND/OR. A "filter" contains a combination of "query" or "filter", depending on how complex is the criterio we want to apply. e.g on Collection Metrics: a) project="project1" AND installation="insta1" b) project="project1" AND (installation="insta1" OR installation="insta2") c) project="project2" OR [project="project1" AND (installation="insta1" OR installation="insta2")]

1. "query" syntax, searching a single field

The simplest search that can be performed is on a field of the collection.You need to syntax a search "query", in a json format,and provide it as body in the search request. The fields that need to be defined,in order the syntax to be valid are:

typeThe type of the search. In the case the search is a combination of fields of the collection,it’s value is ‘query’
fieldThe field of the collection on which we search
valuesThe value of the equation, and it can be of any type depending on the type of the field we search
operandThe equation we want to apply on the field in order to search’s value can be : eq: ==, neq: !=, lt: < , lte: <= , gt: >, gte: >=
"field": string ,
"operand": string

Example 1: Search on a specific field, of the collection

You search for Metrics,that the start period is after 01-01-2022.The syntax of the query should be :

"field": "time_period_start" ,
"operand": "gt"

2. "filter" syntax, search on multiple fields

A more complex search can be performed, combining 2 or more fields of the collection. Each time you apply an AND/OR operation on the fields of the Collection, you need to syntax a "filter". The filter can contain a combination of "query", or a combination of "filter", or a combination of "query"/"filter",depending on how complex is the search you apply. You need to syntax a search "filter",in a json format, and provide it as body in the search request. The fields that need to be defined,in order the syntax to be valid are:

typeThe type of the search. In the case the search is on 2 or more fields of the collection,it’s value is ‘filter’
operatorThe operation on which the elements in the criteria will be combined. It’s values is either AND or OR
criteriaThe specific subqueries that will be matched by the operator. Criteria is an array of objects of either ‘query’ or ‘filter’ type

The syntax should be as:

"operator": string ,
"criteria":array of ‘query’ or ‘filter’ elements

Example 2: Search on combinations of 2 fields, of the collection

You search for Metrics,that the start period is after 01-01-2022 AND the end period is before 01-02-2022.The syntax of the filter should be:

At first 2 subqueries should be created to define the criterio on each field.

Query on start period:

"field": "time_period_start" ,
"operand": "gt"

Query on end period:

"field": "time_period_end" ,
"operand": "lt"

Now these two queries should be combined in a filter as:

"type": "filter",
"operator": "AND",
"criteria": [
"type": "query",
"field": "time_period_start",
"values": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"operand": "gt"
"type": "query",
"field": "time_period_end",
"values": "2022-01-02T00:00:00Z",
"operand": "lt"

Example 3: Search on multiple fields, of the collection

You search for Metrics,that start period is after 01-01-2022 and the end period is before 01-02-2022,OR the value is greater than 1000.The syntax of the filter should be as:

The filter to search for start period is after 01-01-2022 and the end period is before 01-02-2022,if defined as in the Example 2. The query to search for value greater than 1000 is defined as :

"field": "value" ,
"operand": "gt"

So now we need to combine these search criteria in a filter as:

"type": "filter",
"operator": "OR",
"criteria": [
"type": "query",
"field": "value",
"values": "1000.0",
"operand": "gt"
"type": "filter",
"operator": "AND",
"criteria": [
"type": "query",
"field": "time_period_start",
"values": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"operand": "gt"
"type": "query",
"field": "time_period_end",
"values": "2022-01-02T00:00:00Z",
"operand": "lt"