Manage Metrics
This is a guide that refers to Metrics. Metrics are measures of quantitative assessment, commonly used for assessing, comparing, and tracking usage or performance of a service. They are the main indicators.
If you are permitted to act on one or more Installations (see here ), you can also act on the Metrics. Via this guide, you can see all the options you have.
ASSIGN Metrics to the Installation
You can assign one or more Metrics to the Installation. Apply a request to the Accounting Service API. In order to successfully assign a Metric, you need to provide a MetricDefinition id, a start and an end period timestamp, and a value.
📝 For more details on how to syntax the request, see here.
GET details of a specific Metric assigned to the Installation
You can get the details of a specific Metric, assigned to the Installation. Apply a request to the Accounting Service API.
📝 For more details on how to syntax the request, see here.
UPDATE a specific Metric assigned to the Installation
You can update the details of a Metric assigned to the Installation. Apply a request to the Accounting Service API. In order to successfully update a specific Metric, you need to provide the new properties' values of the Metric.
📝 For more details on how to syntax the request, see here.
DELETE a specific Metric assigned to the Installation
You can delete a Metric assigned to the Installation. Apply a request to the Accounting Service API.
📝 For more details on how to syntax the request, see here.
FETCH all Metrics assigned to the Installation
You can fetch all Metrics assigned to the Installation. Apply a request to the Accounting Service API.
📝 For more details on how to syntax the request, see here.
SEARCH Metrics assigned to the Installation
You can search for specific Metric/Metrics assigned to the Installation that match one or more criteria. You can define search criteria on each field of the Metrics Collection or a combination of search criteria on more than one field. You can search for Metrics by Metric Definition id, value, period, or a combination of them.
Apply a request to the Accounting Service API. You need to provide the search criteria in a specific
syntax .
📝 For more details on how to syntax the request, see here.